Selasa, 30 Juli 2019

November 8th     9:00 pm
When we were much younger, we had nothing but we were much braver.
Perhaps it’s because our hands were empty that we dare to reach out to whatever we want. There was nothing to lose.
October 28th     9:00 pm
the first rain in the tenth month
The budding silence withered with each drop of water caressing the blazing ground. The roof kept me shelthered, and yet I was parched. My throat was burning and my eyes could not rest.
Then I remembered, it had been me who put an end to us, and then to you.
If this was regret, I could bear. But this was a hole similar to the one on your chest, and I lack the capability to sew the loose threads.
September 1st     12:37 am
I thought that my heart is made of plastic because it retains the shape no matter what I pour into it,
But then came the flood of
All that’s left are walls of frozen bubbles, framing hungry holes.
January 2nd     6:17 pm
He is working the job his father wanted,
Kissed the woman his brother once loved,
Having the marriage his mother wished for,
and living a life he never asked for.
January 2nd     1:01 am
I am waiting for the day when I would pray for your happiness
Instead of mine alone.
December 31st     12:50 pm
Raindrops hitting the roof tops,Like the sound of the head hitting the wall, followed by the heavy limbs,
Or the sound of your heart racing to the gunshots as they drop to zero,
Were you surprised to know that I was once a friend,
and now a lover of a passion so pure that it
Consumes the two of us
December 30th     1:49 am
The remnants, I nurture them into flowers whose beauty made you wonder
Of their genesis,
and I hope you’d mourn
When you found out that they fed on the worst of you.
October 6th     5:25 pm
I would rather a lifetime in which we did not meet.
September 7th     10:58 am
I saw your pictures, and I wish I were the one
Preserving your laugh inside rolls of film.
Even so I’m not blaming you.

Minggu, 22 April 2018

Ini adalah blog tulisan Jo.

Ada sedikit kebenaran di balik setiap karya fiksi.
Tolong jangan gunakan pekerjaan saya tanpa izin saya.
Ketika kami jauh lebih muda, kami tidak punya apa-apa selain kami jauh lebih berani.

Mungkin itu karena tangan kita kosong sehingga kita berani menjangkau apa pun yang kita inginkan. Tidak ada yang hilang.

Aku benci rasa jarak kami, dari hari-hari minimum yang kami bagi dan perpisahan panjang yang kami tukar. Saya telah berjalan dalam lingkaran, atau berbaring diam di tempat tidur saya, jiwa saya mengembara ke dreamscape. Wajahku mati rasa dengan tawa kosong, dan bunga violet mekar di dalam arteri saya - mungkin dari hujan kerinduan.

Februari adalah bulan yang begitu baik, sedikit kurang untuk dihitung ...

Ketika kami jauh lebih muda, kami tidak punya apa-apa selain kami jauh lebih berani.

Mungkin itu karena tangan kita kosong sehingga kita berani menjangkau apa pun yang kita inginkan. Tidak ada yang hilang.

Jumat, 28 Juli 2017

Josey Zheng Notes - I hate the flavor of our distance, of the minimum days we share and the long farewells we exchange. I have been walking in circles, or lying still on my bed, my soul wandering to the dreamscape. My face is numb with empty laughters, and violets bloom inside my arteries – perhaps from the rain of longing.
February is a month so kind, a little less to count…